Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The other Bill Gross i like

Found his story very interesting.
1981 - Graduates from CalTech
1996 - Founds Idealab.
1998 - Invents keyword-based pay-per-click and pioneers contextual advertising with GoTo.com (later renamed as Overture). The concept on which 99% of Google's revenue today revolves.
2001 - Pitches Goto to Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page
2001 - Launches Picasa, a photo-sharing service
2002 - Google launches its own AdWords service and shortly follows it by AdSense based on Bill Gross's ideas.
2003 - Yahoo! buys Bill Gross's Overture for $1.6bn
2004 - Google acquires Idealab's Picasa for an undisclosed amount
2004 - Launches Snap.com, a search engine that pioneers Pay-per-buy model - as opposed to Pay-per-click followed by the rest - for advertising.

2001 - Bill Gross also founds Energy Innovations
"It's a tricky problem to get solar energy to be cheaper than fossil fuels, because fossil fuels are like solar energy concentrated. They had a million years to bake. So they get the benefit of being heavily concentrated, whereas solar energy is striking the Earth in real time. I thought if we could come up with a solution to this, it could really be world-changing. And I felt this was the most important thing Idealab could be doing."
2004 - Oil hits $70+ and all eyes on Energy Innovations

If you are curious about the other Bill Gross, read all about the Bond-market guru's running of the largest bond-fund PIMCO here.


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